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Your Stay - Going Home




Going Home
Your physician will decide when you are ready to be discharged and will advise the nursing personnel. When you are prepared to be discharged, please pick up any valuables that you may have in the hospital safe. Your nurse will assist you in gathering your belongings and check to make sure you return home with all items that you had upon arrival at the hospital. Wheelchair transportation is available to any department within the hospital and to your car.

A responsible adult needs to be available to provide transportation to your home. If this is not possible, Teton Valley Hospital & Surgicenter will make every effort to help you coordinate your transportation. Should you experience difficulties with transportation, please notify your nurse.

At Home
If a visiting nurse or home health professional has been arranged to visit you in your home, you will be informed of this by the hospital discharge planner. If home care services are not provided as planned, please call 208.354.2383 and let the discharge planner know so that further arrangements can be made. Should you experience any condition that concerns or causes you alarm, contact your physician immediately. Our Emergency Department is open 24 hours every day, and should you be unable to contact your physician or if your condition is such that you feel you should be seen immediately, arrange for a responsible adult to bring you to the Emergency Department.

Discharge Planning
Our discharge planner can provide you with information about home health care, medical equipment, skilled nursing facilities, transportation, Meals on Wheels, and other community resources. Assistance with questions regarding Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, State Disability and Workers' Compensation can also be provided.

The discharge planner in the Case Management Department has information on many community resources that are available to assist you following discharge from the hospital. A list of community resources can be obtained by calling the hospital at 208.354.2383

Your Bill
As a courtesy to our patients, we will be happy to bill your insurance carrier for you. If the insurance carrier delays payment, please make arrangements for full payment of your account. Please make sure our Business Office has all the needed information before you leave the hospital. We will verify your insurance coverage either prior to or during your stay. Based upon this verification, we may ask you for a deposit upon discharge calculated from your estimated charges. You may use MasterCard, Visa, personal check or cash to meet this prepayment. You will receive a statement after your insurance has paid. An itemized statement is available upon request. If you have any questions about your bill, please contact our Business Office at 208.354.2383 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Monday through Friday.

If you do not qualify for public or county assistance, you may contact the billing department at 208.3545.2383 for help or information regarding payment of your hospital bill.

Professional Physician Billing
Depending upon your insurance plan, physicians involved in your care may bill you separately from Teton Valley Hospital & Surgicenter. These physicians can include anesthesia, surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists, pathologists and other specialists. If you have any questions regarding these bills, you should call their billing offices directly at the telephone numbers listed on the statement sent to you.